Matt Hale

Worship Pastor

Matt Hale


Matt Hale, by the grace of God, grew up in a Christian home in Southeast Missouri. Although he grew up in a Christian home, it wasn’t until later in life that he repented of his sins and trusted in Jesus for his salvation. At the age of 23 years old, on September 12, 2004, he surrendered his life to follow Jesus Christ. He worked in the education field for 11 years, teaching and coaching, before becoming the Minister of Worship and Students at Hallsville Baptist Church in 2015. He served in this role for 3 years before being called to FBC Millersville in 2018 to serve as the Minister of Worship and Students. Matt is now the bi-vocational Minister of Worship at FBC Millersville while also being employed as a teacher and coach at the Jackson R2 School District.  Matt is married to his bride Lindsey and they have been blessed with 4 children whose names are Larissa, Bryce, MaeLee, and Maia. Matt’s desire is to see lives changed by Jesus Christ and to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus through discipleship. He wants to point others to Jesus Christ through the talents and gifts God has given him.