
Youth Valentine's Party


We Love Because He First Loved Us

Saturday February 22nd 4pm-6pm for 6th-12th graders

Cookie baking/decorating contest, Chick-fil-A provided

Devotional time with Pablo

See calendar for more details!

SAVE the DATE for VBS!


Vacation Bible School at FBCM

June 23rd to June 27th!

More information to come!

 Bible Study Methods Workshop


We will begin this equipping workshop on March 9, 5:00p.m. and continue each week through May 4, with the exception of Easter Sunday (April 20).

This is foundational, practical, skill-based instruction to equip Christians in the three steps of Bible study: observe the text, interpret the text, and apply the text. The training has a primary focus on personal application of the Word of Truth.